Here you can view the list of items others need or you can list any services or equipment you may need. Needs are listed in order of the most current listing. |
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Date | Name | City | Contact | Request For | Additional Information |
040507 | Elizabeth Naughton | Phoenix AZ | 602-283-4999 |
respite, habilitation, transportation | My daughter Josie is 3, with mild CP. She does not require medication, or medical treatment. She is highly independent and very sweet. She has most 3 year old skills. Sunday mornings, two evenings. We have 30 hours a week with respite and hab. Any agency is fine. Consistancy and dependability are a must! |
022107 | William Boles | Kingsville, OH | 440 224-1987 |
Personal Care | Independent waiver female. Daily living services, personal care aid. Must transport to dr. appointments and shopping. 39 hours a week waiver. |
011607 | Maureen Peterson | W Hastings MN | 651-246-7980 |
Help with Dental work | I desperately need help. About 3 years ago I had fallen ill while serving as a full time advocate for my comatose father. I became ill as he was passing and he has since passed. Due to my illness, I was prescribed numerous antibiotics, and ended up hospitalized with a compromised immune system which caused my teeth to crumble. I have spent the last two years trying to get my system back on track, and now trying to restore my teeth. Daily, my face and gums hurt from broken teeth and much need dental work. I am trying to choose the "cheap route", which consisted of 2 root canals, a bridge, 2 crowns, 4 cavities. I also will need an upper and lower partial to replace missing teeth on upper and bottom. They will not do the work until I have a payment plan. The bill for my work is 8695.00. I have the paperwork, if you need proof. As much pain as I am in, I cannot do anything. I am going to try to borrow enough to fix the most painful tooth, which is cracked. But I cannot cover the balance of 8000.00. I pray God will send me relief and an angel. My teeth are my whole life, but I have become a recluse and depressed since I have less and less of them. I need to be a happy mother of 2, and pain free. If you cannot help me, could you please pray that I find the financial help that I need in this crisis situation. God Bless You. |
080405 | Menia | Mesa, AZ | (480) 664-0362 |
Respite and Habilitation Provider |
In need of a respite and habilitation provider for my severely autistic son. I have vouchers through the DDD for habilitation and respite so I would be needing someone for about 30 hours per week. Go through any agency that has a center based program. |
071905 | Mary Sue L Keith | Wagarville, Al | (251) 246-6137 |
Donated Dental Services | I need to know of a dentist that does DONATED DENTAL SERVICES. I need it bad for it's a medical emergency. Thank You |
092704 | Njera Green | Los Angeles, CA | | Roof Repair | I am disabled (several disabilities) and need a roof. I am desperate but prayerful and have faith that kindness and love is still the greatest of all. The roof is very bad and I am unable to have a new one installed. If there is a roofer who would care to help, I would be more than overjoyed and very thankful. I am unable to borrow as I don't have an income to support the need. It is truly a need. Please, some roofing owner, help me. |
012104 | Judy Wilcox | Scottsdale, AZ | Robert G Poe 480-314-0046 8a-6p |
Adult care | Judy is a 55 year old woman who is suffering from mild depression, fibromyalgia, and is unhappily married. Right now she needs someone to be with her from 7am to 4pm, while her husband is at work. She refuses to help herself and has a problem with being alone during the day when her husband is at work. Good insurance and willing to pay for care. |
110103 | Dorothy Miller | Paradise Valley, AZ | 602 485-3793 | Light Housekeeping | Person with mental disorder requesting light housekeeping, $10-$15 an hour. Please call for additional information. |
092800 | Karen | Phoenix, AZ | | Help of any kind | We are the parents of 6 special needs children who do severely hamper our road to being millionaires! Any help is appreciated. |
092700 | C. Michele Baker | W. Phoenix Valley, (99th Ave and Camelback Rd), soon right off the 101 loop and 91st Ave | 623-772-6432 home # (after 830 am-before 3pm m-f, after 10-2-2000) |
Assistance with household chores | Disabled mom of 3 children with special needs requests help with household chores: Vacuuming, Dusting, light house hold cleaning, possibility to have someone prepare precooked/microwaveable meals for children to eat, some laundry (just putting in machine, and into dryer, kids can sort and fold and put away), putting up grocery orders as they are delivered (pre-paid, of course) windows. |
All items listed will remain listed until cancelled by the person who listed the item. There is no need to re-list an item once it is listed. To cancel a listing, please go to "Cancel Listing" |