Switch Adapted Battery Operated Toys

What’s a Switch? A "switch" is something that can be pressed to activate a toy or any device that is turned on or off by opening or closing a circuit.

What’s an adapted toy? A switch adapted, battery operated toy is a toy that has been modified so that a child with a disability can press a switch and activate the toy, instead of using a standard battery operated toy's on/off button.

Why adapt a toy? The importance of play is well documented. All children need opportunities to learn cause and effect, interact with the other children in a play setting, and develop fine motor and gross motor skills, all of which can carry over to a variety of educational activities. An adapted toy allows children with disabilities the same play opportunities available to other children.

Having the power to make things move at the touch of a button is a wonderful thing for anyone!

Making a Switch Adapted Toy!
"Battery Interrupter" Method

Switch Adapted Toys / "Battery Interrupter" Method

A switch adapted battery operated toy is a toy that has been modified so that a child with a disability can press a switch and activate the toy. The necessary modifications are easy for most adults with just a few tools and supplies from your local electronics store or some hardware stores.

To make your battery operated toy work with a single switch, you need to make a copper wafer that "interrupts" the flow of electricity from the battery to the motor, lights, or sound of the toy. You then plug your switch into the phone jack connected to the copper wafer. To activate the toy, you touch the switch and close the circuit of electricity, which causes to toy to turn on.

Who Can Benefit

Any child who has difficulty accessing a standard battery operated toy's on/off button. For instance, a child may not be able to see the button, can not physically push the button, or developmentally does not understand the concept of cause and effect.

Selecting a Toy to Adapt

The first step in successfully adapting a toy is to choose an appropriate toy. The type of switch and the toy is determined by the individual needs of the child. Try different toys in the store to see how they work. The easiest toys to modify are ones that move in only one direction or use sound and lights as an activity. Choose toys with only one activity for your first project and try more complex toys as your expertise grows. Toys with multiple movements like spinning or flipping are more challenging to use with a switch because the wire has a tendency to become tangled and the battery interrupter can easily be pulled out. An alternative for toys where wires can get tangled is a cordless Big Red Switch available from Ablenet (http://www.ablenetinc.com), which allows wireless activation. It also works well with toy trains, automobiles, and other toys that move about on the floor. Battery operated tape recorders and radios can also be modified, especially for older children where age appropriateness is an issue.

Safety First

Never attempt to adapt an AC (Alternating Current) device (devices that plug into a standard 120 Volt wall outlet)

Adapt only DC (Direct Current) battery operated toys. When using a utility knife or covered blade to cut the wire make sure the wire is on a flat surface and you are cutting away from your body. Keep the hot end of the soldering gun and hot solder away from things that burn (including yourself!) and make sure your soldering iron is placed in its safety holder when not in use. Hot glue can also cause a bad burn so make sure the glue has cooled before touching any glued surface.

What You Will Need:
  • Battery operated toy
  • Switch (for testing & using the toy after adapting it)
  • 22-24 gauge speaker wire / Radio Shack Part # 278-1385
  • 1/8" phone jack / Radio Shack Part # 274-333
  • Circuit board (copper wafer) Radio Shack Part # 276-1499
    Thinner circuit board may be desired and may be found at your local electronics store ( they may also be able to direct you to local companies that use circuit boards that might be willing to give you their scrap circuit board pieces)
  • Utility knife
  • Wire strippers
  • Soldering gun
  • Solder
  • Wire snips or shears
  • Hot glue gun / hot glue sticks
  • Metal file (optional)
  • Needle nose pliers
Where to Find Parts

www.RadioShack.com or your local Radio Shack Store, other local electronics stores and some hardware stores.

Constructing the "Battery-Interrupt" (Copper Wafer) Device

There are 4 easy steps to adapting your battery operated toy for use with a switch.

1. Prepare the wire. Cut 22-24 gauge wire to desired length. The length will be determined by where the child will be positioned to best activate the switch and be able to interact with the toy. Separate the tip of the wire into two ends by cutting down the middle, like this:

2. Attach 1/8" phone jack to one end of wire. Strip plastic from the wire about 1/4" from the end. Unscrew plastic cap of phone plug and slide over wire.

Fold or twist the wires back onto themselves to make them stronger.

Insert stripped wire ends into each hole in the metal prongs of the plug. Solder stripped wire ends onto each metal prong making sure the wires do not touch each other. Take care so the jack cover will fit when the soldering is done. File down solder to fit if necessary. Reattach jack cover by gently screwing the cover down until tight.

3. Make the copper wafer. Cut the copper wafer material to fit the end of the battery compartment using wire snips or shears. Strip the wire and solder each piece of wire to opposite sides of the wafer making sure the two stripped portions of the wires do not make contact. The idea is for the switch to complete the circuit. This is why it’s called a battery interrupter!

4. Finishing the Job. Insert copper wafer between the battery and its contact point. You have now insulated the battery from the toy’s on/off switch with the copper wafer. Now, the switch plugged into the 1/8" phone jack must be closed in order to complete the circuit and turn on the toy! The original switch on the toy must be turned to the "on" position. If the battery-interrupt device is working properly, the toy will not operate until the switch, which is plugged into the 1/8" phone jack, has been turned on. Depending on the type of switch, the toy may operate only when the switch is pressed or it may turn on with one press and off with another. The copper wafer must be properly aligned inside the battery compartment of the toy. If the copper wafer fits too tightly you can remove the spring or compress the spring using your needle nose pliers. As the copper wafer is prone to movement during play, a drop of hot glue to affix the copper wafer in place will keep the toy in operation.

Making Your Own, Inexpensive Switch

What is a Switch?

A switch can be used to activate a toy or any device that is turned on or off by opening or closing a circuit. The following is an off the shelf switch that retails for less than $5.00 and can be easily adapted allowing a child to activate a toy by pressing on the cover of the switch. This switch is only one option and may not work for all children. Below is a list of vendors who produce switches for children with disabilities. If a child has a consistent muscle movement, a switch can be found that allows for the control toys, computer-scanning programs, environmental controls and speech devices.

Who Can Benefit

Any child who has a problem accessing a standard battery operated toy's on off switch. The child may not be able to see the standard toy switch, physically push the toy's switch, or developmentally understand the concept of cause and effect and may need hand over hand support.

Safety First

When using a utility knife or covered blade to cut the wire make sure the wire is on a flat surface and you are cutting away from your body. Keep the hot end of the soldering gun and hot solder away from things that burn (including yourself!) and make sure your soldering iron is placed in its safety holder when not in use.

What You Will Need:
  • Remote Foot Switch / Radio Shack Part # 44-610
  • 1/8" male phone jack / Radio Shack Part # 274-286
  • Foam rubber / sponge packaging from shipping or a sponge used in the kitchen
  • Utility knife
  • Wire strippers
  • Soldering gun
  • Solder
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Needle nose pliers
  • Metal file (optional)
Where to Find Parts

www.RadioShack.com or your local Radio Shack Store, other local electronics stores and some hardware stores.

Adapting the Switch for Use with Children with Disabilities:

The remote foot switch is an everyday item available by catalog or from a Radio Shack retail outlet. This foot switch is designed for someone to step on it with full adult weight in order to turn the switch on. Consequently, the switch requires much more pressure than most children can apply. The two things that need to happen for this switch to be used with adapted battery operated toys are:

  • The stiff foot switch spring has to be removed from inside the switch and replaced with foam that can be adjusted to a child's touch strength.

  • The 3/32" male mini plug has to be removed and replaced with a 1/8" male plug to match with the phone jack that you installed when you adapted your toy.

1. Replace the spring with foam and adjust the force needed for activation.

The switch has a rod running through the lid, which works as a pivot point and also holds the switch together. This must be removed. To remove the rod, use a Phillips screw driver to tap out the rod as shown below. Select a Phillips screw driver with a smaller diameter than the rod. Turn the switch on its side on the edge of the table. Place the tip of the screwdriver on the top of the rod and push down firmly until the rod is pushed through the lid. You may need to finish pulling the rod out using the pliers. Remove the large metal spring and discard, marking the place where the spring was located in the switch base. Place a small piece of foam where the spring was located and lay switch cover over the foam. Keep adjusting the foam by cutting a thicker piece of foam or decreasing the height of the foam until the resistance needed to activate the switch matches the child's ability to push the switch. A noticeable click can be heard when the switch is activated. Replace rod by reinserting it in the hole in the lid and pushing it through using the Philips screwdriver.

2. Replace the 3/32 male mini plug with the 1/8 " male plug

Use the wire cutters to remove 3/32 plug and discard. Remove wire cover plastic approximately 2" from end of wire. Strip plastic insulation from the two exposed wires about 1/4" from the end. Unscrew plastic cap of phone plug and slide over wire. Insert stripped wire ends into each hole in the metal prongs of the plug.

Solder stripped wire ends onto each metal prong making sure the wires do not touch each other. Take care so the jack cover will fit when the soldering is done. File down solder to fit if necessary. Reattach plug cover by gently screwing down until tight.

Finishing the Job

The switch is now ready to be tried on your battery operated toy. Plug the male plug connected to your newly adapted switch into the female 1/8" phone jack attached to your adapted, battery operated toy. When the switch is pressed the toy should operate.

Where to buy Single Switches

The following are companies that produce switches and toys to be used by children with disabilities:

AbleNet, Inc.

Don Johnston, Incorporated

Dunamis, Inc.

R. J. Cooper and Associates

TASH International, Inc.

Enabling Devices